SCPC’s strength is in the people who make up America’s LTC pharmacy community. In order to serve patients with high-quality care, SCPC connects our members to their representatives in Congress and key administration officials. These grassroots efforts drive important conversations with our nation’s leaders and decision makers regarding the LTC pharmacy sector.
Please see below for a link to engage in our current advocacy campaigns and help us make a difference on important public policy issues impacting our community.

Sustainable Payment Model
LTC Pharmacies Need a Sustainable Payment Model
Recent Medicare drug pricing policy changes combined with an outdated pharmacy payment model threaten the future of long-term care (LTC) pharmacies. Congress must ensure a sustainable Medicare Part D payment model for LTC pharmacies before January 2026.
PBM Reform
PBM Reform is a crucial issue for our industry and the patients we serve every day. Congress must enact legislation that requires transparency and accountability in the way PBMs conduct their business. For far too long, we have seen PBMs engage in unfair and abusive practices that delay access to medication for our patients, increase costs for consumers and businesses, and threaten both independent LTC and retail pharmacies.
Federal Definition of LTC Pharmacy
The Long-Term Care Pharmacy Definition Act of 2021 (S. 1574) was introduced in May in the United States Senate. This important legislation would establish a clear statutory definition of LTC pharmacies, which would be a tremendous benefit to the LTC pharmacy community.
Please help us get other Senators to join our cause by participating in the Voter Voice advocacy campaign below.

Issue Brief
Without a Federal Statutory Definition, Unintended Consequences Cause Conflicting Regulatory Requirements and Legislation that Undermines Patient Care by LTC Pharmacies
Policy Priorities
SCPC’s develops its policy priorities based on the needs of LTC pharmacies around the country and the interests of the patients they serve.
Policy Brief
An Overdue Need: The Federal Definition of Long Term Care Pharmacy
Hill Briefing
SCPC recently co-hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill regarding the importance of the Long-Term Care Pharmacy Definition Act